Adam Snell
How did you end up at Higher Ground Church? Attending a conference in 2006 through Great Commission Churches, I became aware of the need for a Youth Leader here at Higher Ground Church, then Valley View Community Church (VVCC). I inquired with the Pastor about the position at the church and was told to pray about the opportunity. After praying, I called and came for an initial visit to meet the Pastors and the youth of the church. I decided…
Chris Kassing
How did you end up at Higher Ground Church? In the fall of 1991, I arrived at Mizzou as a freshman and a fairly new Christian. I didn’t know anyone on campus and I had been praying that God would help me find some Christian friends. My very first day on campus I was invited to an ice cream social hosted by a student group called University Bible Studies. They were so friendly and accepting, and their love for Jesus…